(907) 388-9676 shelterfund@att.net


Welcome to the Fairbanks Animal Shelter Fund’s website. Founded in 2002, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit striving to make a difference in the lives of all animals who are in the Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Shelter by augmenting services which are not included in the FNSB operating budget.

Former Spokescat Aries, who passed at age 18 in early 2019, was one of those animals. In 2014, Aries came to the Shelter with a facial tumor and ended up needing an hemimandibulectomy – the removal of a chunk of his right maxilla and the gum with the tumor and a small lymph node. Thanks to Drs. Priddy, Cole, Maddux, Lovely, and Rose, and to Brittany from Aurora Animal Clinic, for bringing her cat as a standby blood donor. In addition to surviving his tumor, Aries lives with chronic renal failure, chronic pancreatitis, cardiomyopathy, and hyperthyroidism but that doesn’t get him down! He had a great life in his adoptive home until his passing in January 2019.





Agnes receiving her close up at a Roller Derby bout benefiting the Fairbanks Animal Shelter Fund. Credit: Paris Photographics

Former Spokesbeagle Agnes is another animal we were able to help. Arriving at the Shelter in 2011, Agnes, then around 11 years old, was obese (twice her ideal weight), covered in warts and tumors, and had bad teeth and infected ears. The Fairbanks Animal Shelter Fund took care of Agnes’ medical issues and in the process Agnes found a home in February of 2011. While it was anticipated Agnes would not live for more than a few months after adoption, she beat the odds – going on to live a wonderful life in her adopted home until she passed in August 2013. Her outgoing demeanor and charming personality made her the face of the Shelter Fund – she attended meetings, events, and even a few Roller Derby bouts! She has been interviewed by the local newspaper and her likeness can be seen in Downtown Fairbanks as a part of the “Paint the Pipes” campaign.

Phone: (907) 388-9676

Featured Furriend

  Meet Gracie, who came to the shelter needing major orthopedic surgery and post-op rehab in the underwater treadmill which the Fairbanks Animal Shelter Fund assisted with. Gracie was adopted and during the school year is now the Official School Dog at Catholic Schools of Fairbanks. In Summer 2019 Gracie spent time visiting with wildland fire crews fighting the Shovel Creek Fire near Fairbanks.



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